Online Synthesizers

In this post we compile the most interesting online synthesizers we have found on the web:

((If you also need online drum machines, in this link you have a good selection)

  • Learning Synths (Ableton): with a great guide that explains step by step how a synthesizer works in an interactive and easy way. Highly recommended.
Learning Synths (Ableton)

Once we know the different concepts that come into play when creating and modifying a wave in a synthesizer, it’s time to play and create our own sounds:

  • Web Synths: very comprehensive, and with an attractive visual interface.
Wevb Synths
  • Viktor NV-1: Classic design but with many functions and web-audio and web-MIDI implementation..
Viktor NV-1
  • Playtronica:Can be used with the computer keyboard or with a MIDI keyboard. Select a synthesizer type and… play! Very visual.
Playtronic Sampler
  • allows you to have several Roland modules playing simultaneously, so you can play a synthesizer, a drum machine and a bass line together.
  • AR Synth: A very interesting proposal from Google Arts & Culture with a 3D interface that allows us to explore and use several classic synthesizers simultaneously, programming our own patterns.
AR Synth
  • Cardboard Online Synth: synthesizer with many options to modify the sound; it can also be played with a MIDI keyboard.
    Cardboard online synth
    Flouresynth: simple synthesizer with 8 different waveforms to play. Can also be controlled by MIDI keyboard.
    Flouresynth another simple synthesizer, which also has a built-in drum machine. It can be played using the computer keyboard.
  • micicity

    No collection of synthesizers would be complete without the online tools provided by Google on its website, for all ages, with the Song Maker webapp being particularly useful in secondary schools, allowing to compose by steps, download the result in MIDI/wav or share it via a link.

Finally, we include the two interactive Google doodles related to sound synthesis:

Doodle Clara Rockmoore-Theremin
Doodle Moog

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